In the last three years the repairs and painting of buildings as well as renovation has been has been an ongoing process. Here is a brief review of some of the works completed in the last twelve months.
The main well, a landmark on the campus, was dug and constructed in the early years of Kishor Nagar. In recent years the structure look dilapidated. After a lot of discussion on how the repair it, the contractor came up with a new idea. You can see the outcome on the photo. We have replaced the old pump with a submersible one with an automatic switch off system. This helps us to save water as there is no more overflow of water.
The staff kitchen has a new look as the old coal stove (beyond repairs) has been removed and now the cooking is done on gas stoves.
The staff dining hall is completely renovated with walls properly repaired and painted and a new floor. The windows frames were also repaired.
Our boys have done a good job in renewing the electrical wiring and restoring the paintings on the walls.
The repair and painting of our hospital building is taking more than two years. The major repairs of the roof were started in 2013. The painting works started in November 2014 and were completed this year. Now a new floor has to be laid in one of the wings as this floor gives off a lot of moisture, especially during the cold season. This will be done in the beginning of next year.
This is the second year that some fruit trees have been planted in the beginning of the rainy season.
The boys learn to take care of the trees and to collect the fruits only when they are ripe. There has been a positive change in the behaviour of the boys. It has dawned on them that the fruits are for the whole Kishor Nagar family .
In the cowsheds the floors have been renewed and feeding troughs repaired. One dung pit has been constructed and more drains have been made. Some minor jobs remain to be done and we expect that during the next rainy season the area around the cowsheds will remain free from water logging.
I wish if any day again I can come and see the difference. GBU all.