Blessing and Inauguration of Computer Room, Library and Dormitory:
The New Computer Room, Library and Dormitory were blessed on 11th December 2023. This inaugural ceremony was a moment of happiness and celebration for the management, staff and students. It was a moment of thanking God for being with school management throughout the construction of the building. Fr. Ajit Kumar Xess, S.J., the Provincial of Ranchi Jesuits led us into the prayer blessed the interior, and unveiled the plaque. Mr. Jacques inaugurated the building by cutting the ribbon. Fr. George Kerketta, S.J., the Province Development Director (PDD) gave a vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all the generous donors and contractor Mr. Ajit Singh for their hard labour of the construction works.
Finally, Fr. Provincial felicitated Mr. Jacques and family on behalf of Kishor Nagar.

Farewell Ceremony
Fr. Patrick Xalxo’s and Br. Mathew Tigga’s farewell ceremony on 25 February was a heartwarming event. 2024, which began with a solemn gathering in the school hall. The event was marked by gratitude and nostalgia as students and teachers came to bid farewell to our beloved educators who had dedicated one year and eight months and one year respectively to our institute. The anchoring part was done by Sir Berender Lakra. The ceremony began with a farewell song. Sir Manoj Baraik and Sir Kishor Gope expressed their gratitude for their guidance and mentorship over the months of service. They also expressed their gratitude to the Institution. In between there was a cultural function that featured dance performances, songs and emotional shayaries.

The ceremony ended with a touching speech by Fr. Walter Beck, S.J., the Director, reminiscing about Father’s and Brother’s contributions and impact on the school.
The farewell ceremony was a poignant and memorable event. The entire school community came to bid farewell to the beloved educators, leaving everyone with cherished memories that will be treasured for years to come.
Welcome Ceremony
Fr. Sanjay Tigga, S.J., joined the Kiahor Nagar community as Assistant Director and Vice Principal on 10th Feb 2024. He was ordained priest on 13th Jan 2024.
Br. Vicky Roshan Soreng, S.J., came from Bombay and joined us as a regent on 30th May. Also Br. Anil Nag second regent joined us on 18th June. To welcome them the entire school assembled in the school hall. In the beginning, there was a welcome song followed by cultural programs and an expression of expectations and cooperation from Fr. Sanjay Tigga, Sch. Soreng and Sch. Anil Nag by some teachers and students. On behalf of the new staff members Fr. Tigga also expressed their expectations from students and staff and assured their dedicated service to Kishor Nagar.
Finally, Fr. Director addressed the gathering saying, “We are thrilled to have dear Father and Brothers for joining us as Assistant Director and two energetic regents. We are looking forward to the knowledge and experience you will bring to our students and the staff. It is wonderful to have such a young, enthusiastic and energetic person like you as part of our team! Your passion for teaching and dedication to Kishor Nagar boys and staff will make a real difference in their lives. Thank you.”

Matric Board Exam Result- 2024
38 students appeared the Matriculation Examination conducted by the Jharkhand Academic Council (JAC) in the year 2024. The result of the Exam was excellent. Out of 38 all of them got 1st division, only two got 2nd division. So, they have been able to keep up the
hundred percent result this year too. We congratulate them on their grand success. Their achievement has made us all proud. May God bless them all! May they keep shining and achieve more prosperity in their career.

Visit of Sir Jacques and Family
Kishor Nagar family wanted to take this opportunity to offer its heartiest appreciation and gratefulness to Sir Jacques and his family’s presence on 11th December 2023 accompanied by Fr. George Kerketta S.J. the PDD. It was an honour to have them as our guests and their presence contributed to our happiness and hope. They went around the campus and saw our farm and fields, boys’ classrooms, bedrooms, kitchen etc. Thanks for the visit and encouraging words from them. “We are still analyzing how excellent the company was during your visit. We appreciate you for coming in and making our campus so wonderful. Thank you once more for coming.”

Visit of Sir Guido and Family
Sir Guido and Mrs. Simone visited us on 13th March 2024 and for a couple of days, Sir Guido stayed with us. We enjoyed spending time with him and his family. We had long conversations and quality time. We had some fun and laughter together. “Our hearts swell with gratitude for your visit. Your kindness and company made our campus unforgettable. We can’t wait to welcome you back with open arms.”

Guests From Cambodia Mission
Fr. Kwon Oh-Chang Simon SJ the delegate of South Korean Provincial, Cambodia Mission visited us on 16th May 2024, accompanied by Fr. Manoj Kumar Ekka, SJ the missionary of Ranchi rendering his service in Jordon and Fr. Rajat Hassa purty SJ, busy in social work in Cambodia. Thanks for their valuable visit to Kishor Nagar. Their sharing was amazing and inspiring for all of us.

Computer Lab
The Municipality of Destelbergen has sponsored 16 computers which were installed in the Computer Lab in April. The boys have started their computer classes. They are interested in learning it and practicing regularly. The computer teacher also takes care of the learners
individually. It is a valuable asset for the boys in their academic line.

Summer Vacation Activities
A good way to start a day is to have a healthy morning breakfast that gives the energy to work hard. This tunes in with our body, and listens to our thoughts throughout the day. Small kids of the lower class enjoyed the morning breakfast in Kishor Nagar during the summer holidays.

Mango Pickle
It was under the leadership of Sr. Tarcilla Choranth, DSA who taught children how to make mango pickles during the summer vacation. The Kishor Nagar boys took the powerful initiative to learn it and they were interested with a lot of enthusiasm. They have shown their teamwork by supporting one another. Children who remained here learnt how to make pickles.

Home Made Brooms
It is said that brooms are a symbol of good luck around the world. They sweep away bad fortune and protect against evil. It was a day with different creativity when the Kishor Nagar boys took the initiative to learn how to make brooms under the leadership of Sr. Tarcilla, DSA who is known for this special skill and talent.

Environment Day
On 5th June 2024, World Environment Day was celebrated by Kishor Nagar boys by planting some useful timber plants in our garden to save the earth and life of people. This gave us a sense of saving our common home and a message to a global platform for environmental outreach. This inspired our boys to save “Our Land”, emphasizing land restoration, stopping desertification, and increasing drought resilience. A million thanks to Mrs Deepika V. Lakra who showed her love and concern by sponsoring the various types of plants to make this day a meaningful one.

Fishing In Our Pond
Robert Traver says, “The best time to go fishing is when you can get away.” One of the best days spent in the Kishor Nagar by boys having a lot of fun and jokes
fishing into the home pond. The boys enjoyed fishing and caught 45 big fish. It was indeed a great day for them. They have a passion for fishing. The Kishor Nagar family had delightful and sumptuous food in the evening.

A Company dedicated to serve the small and marginal farmers, had sent its team of three persons Mr. Dinanath Tantubai, Mr. Rajesh Das and Neha Kumari to our school to give a seminar on how to make fertilizer out of cow dung, leaves, waste vegetables, green grass and also how to prepare pesticide out of cow urine. They also taught the students about the quantity of mixing the fertilizer and the mud, calcium and pesticide etc. The boys also learnt how to grow different vegetables and tree saplings in the poly house. The boys were interested in learning and were happy because it was very practical and handy.

Distribution of Mosquito Net and other Stationary articles
Mosquito nets are a great method of protection for everyone specially for children from directly getting bit by harmful insects that lead to diseases which sometimes are deadly, especially to children. Our boys are to be protected from mosquito bites, especially at night in the bed during the rainy season. Mosquitoes are the agents for viruses and parasites. Diseases like chikungunya, dengue and malaria etc. are only a few of the many illnesses mosquitoes can spread to humans and other animals. It is an effective tool for reducing the number of mosquitoes in the dormitory. This is particularly true for vulnerable children who are at risk of devastating illness.

Classes Resumed
After one month of Summer Vacation all the classes from Kinder Garden to Class Ten have resumed. Students are excited to return to Kishor Nagar after one month of summer break.

Painting Competition
Our School Art competition is an annual event. We encourage the students to participate in each class. This contest helps to boost the creativity of the student; this is how they achieve greater levels of imagination and refinement. In the photo in the circle sitting above 26 contestants are selected from the entire school. Among them 3 are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd position holders, and 2 consolation prize winners. The student’s thinking was stimulated by the free choice of the topic discussion in the class, which facilitated a free flow of ideas and
perspectives. The participants beautifully portrayed their perceptions with colorful paintings, through their

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